Friday, May 15, 2009

End of school is nearer and nearer.

Hello again! And welcome to my new blog where I will keep in touch with everyone while I am in Lithuania. The end of the school year is, I'm sure you agree with me, the busiest time of the year! Performances for dance, not to mention rehearsals, and all our school exams!!! On top of all that, the teachers are cramming everything we haven't learned yet into the next 2 weeks. Thats what I call an overload!!!!! It's times like these when you don't even know if its the weekend or not because you are working 24-7! I don't think that until I am in the refuge of summer that i will have time to right again, but keep checking! By then I'll be able to tell you of our journey to Copenhagen, Denmark! I hope to hear from you soon!